
Everyday Peacemaker

Peacemaker Ministries Devotional: Abounding in Steadfast Love

by P. Brian Noble / December 13, 2019


The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”(Exodus 34:6–7, ESV)


Who made this amazing proclamation? The Lord proclaimed it; he proclaimed it about himself. Think about that for a minute. This is not what Moses or someone else declared to be true about God. This is what God declared.

What did the Lord call himself? “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious….” This name, “The Lord,”comes from the Hebrew word “YHWH,” the proper name of God. He says his name twice: “The Lord, the Lord.” Typically in Scripture, this kind of repetition is for emphasis.

And how is God describing himself? He is emphasizing that he is merciful, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. He then makes it clear that he is steadfast in his love for thousands and that he forgives their sin. He also declares that he is just; therefore, he will not clear the guilty, and he will visit the sin of the non-repentant upon their descendants.


Have you repented and received God’s mercy, grace, love, and faithfulness? God is waiting to show you his great goodness. He is patient with you. He desires to pour out his steadfast faithfulness on you. Let’s focus on mercy and grace. God’s mercyis compassion­ate and forgiving. Although he has the authority and power to punish people for their sins, in mercy he withholds punishment for those who repent. So God’s mercy is his legal compassion. God’s gracespeaks of God’s relational compassion or favor. Grace is the unmerited favor of God. So, in light of how much God has given you, how do you extend that mercy and grace to others? Will you extend it?


Lord, I repent of the thoughts, desires, words, and behaviors that do not align with your Word. God, you are merciful and gracious. Help me to extend your mercy and grace to others…. (Continue praying.)

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P. Brian Noble

P. Brian Noble

P. Brian Noble is an everyday guy who loves Jesus. He has been married to his best friend, Tanya, for 20 years and they have four children; they currently reside in eastern Washington. Brian has a Master of Arts in missional leadership from Northwest University. He is the Executive Director/CEO of Peacemaker Ministries. An ordained minister for the past 20+ years (3 years as a Youth Pastor, 14 years as a Senior Pastor, and 4 years as an Executive Pastor), he proclaims hope through the gospel message as the Holy Spirit empowers believers in their daily walk. He believes in the power of the Word of God to transform lives. He has been a Certified Christian Conciliator since 2008, with 1000+ hours of conflict coaching and mediation experience. His caseload has ranged from husband and wife cases, to family farm, to public schools, and even county government. Brian has taught peacemaking in local jails and even internationally in Uganda. His hope is that every Christian reconciles their differences in a way that glorifies God. His hope is that every Christian recognizes they are a Peacemaker before they try to do peacemaking. Finally, his hope is that every Christian reconciles by making authentic peace that blends justice, mercy, and humility.

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