
Everyday Peacemaker

Peacemaker Ministries Devotional: Good Sense

by P. Brian Noble / February 28, 2020


Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense. (Proverbs 19:11, ESV) 


Good sense is closely related with being slow to get angry. If people have good sense, they will be slow to anger. However, someone lacking good sense will be quick to get angry. We also see the opposite: If you do not become angry easily, you have good sense. 

What does it mean to have good sense? Good sense is much more than book knowledge. It’s practical wisdom, the help that God gives us in interpreting life. Good sense includes both insight and basic “smarts.” It’s God-given discernment that helps us not only to control our tongues, but also to avoid storing up anger. 

With God-given good sense, we’re also able to overlook offenses, to resist the urge to dwell on someone else’s sin. We please God when we choose to forgive and put an offense out of our mind, even without the offending person apologizing. In overlooking offenses, we are being the most like Christ. 


Do you show good sense everywhere you go? Is your anger different at home than at work? Do you demonstrate more practical wisdom at church than in your private life? Think about this carefully. To be an authentic and whole person, your anger needs to be the same no matter what your circumstances—preferably a slow-building, discerning anger rather than an erupting, demolishing anger. With God’s help, you can overlook or forgive offenses. 

In your relationships, is there an instance where you need to let go of anger and overlook an offense? 


Lord, help me to have godly discernment. Help me to be slow to get angry and quick to overlook offenses. In this particular relationship, I am choosing to overlook this offense and put it offense out of my mind. . . . Continue praying. 


If you enjoyed today's devotional don't forget to join us Friday's at 2 p.m for our Facebook live show!

Tags: devotion, Proverbs, Discernment

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P. Brian Noble

P. Brian Noble

P. Brian Noble is an everyday guy who loves Jesus. He has been married to his best friend, Tanya, for 20 years and they have four children; they currently reside in eastern Washington. Brian has a Master of Arts in missional leadership from Northwest University. He is the Executive Director/CEO of Peacemaker Ministries. An ordained minister for the past 20+ years (3 years as a Youth Pastor, 14 years as a Senior Pastor, and 4 years as an Executive Pastor), he proclaims hope through the gospel message as the Holy Spirit empowers believers in their daily walk. He believes in the power of the Word of God to transform lives. He has been a Certified Christian Conciliator since 2008, with 1000+ hours of conflict coaching and mediation experience. His caseload has ranged from husband and wife cases, to family farm, to public schools, and even county government. Brian has taught peacemaking in local jails and even internationally in Uganda. His hope is that every Christian reconciles their differences in a way that glorifies God. His hope is that every Christian recognizes they are a Peacemaker before they try to do peacemaking. Finally, his hope is that every Christian reconciles by making authentic peace that blends justice, mercy, and humility.