
Everyday Peacemaker

Peacemaker Ministries Devotional: In Everything

by P. Brian Noble / November 25, 2019


The Lord is righteous in all his ways

            and kind in all his works. (Psalm145:17, ESV)


What does “all” mean? Does it mean all? Or do you have an exception clause in your mind? Is your “all” really most? Or some? The word here in Hebrew is kōl,whichmeans “whole, every, everything, or the everything of something.”

The Lord is righteous—morally and ethically just—in all his ways (in the whole or everything of his ways). We can count on God’s ways as being 100% righteous and just. Not only that, but he is also kind in all his works. Think about the works of God. Dwell on his ways. All that he does is just and kind, righteous and bene­volent. His actions are the same as who he is—both morally and ethically right and merciful. So don’t get confused by your circumstances. Your circumstances aren’t necessarily the ways of God. They might be the ways of this fallen world.


God’s ways are righteous and kind. Yet, at times, our hearts loudly object that God’s way is wrong and even mean. At times like that, it’s helpful to ask yourself, What do I actually believe? Do I believe what my heart says or what God’s Word says?When circumstances announce, “That’s not fair,” and life says, “That’s cruel,” reply with the truth: God is righteous and kind.Inform your emotions that God is morally and ethically just. Speak the Word of God to your inner self. Insist that your soul align itself with the truth we have in God’s Word. God is right. God is kind.


Lord, right now, I’m telling my soul and my emotions what’s true: Place your hope in the just and kind God, the God who makes every aspect of our life right. The One who transforms our mourning and helps us experience joy again. Father, thank you for your Word because it helps me to correct my thoughts and live in the truth…. (Continue praying.)

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P. Brian Noble

P. Brian Noble

P. Brian Noble is an everyday guy who loves Jesus. He has been married to his best friend, Tanya, for 20 years and they have four children; they currently reside in eastern Washington. Brian has a Master of Arts in missional leadership from Northwest University. He is the Executive Director/CEO of Peacemaker Ministries. An ordained minister for the past 20+ years (3 years as a Youth Pastor, 14 years as a Senior Pastor, and 4 years as an Executive Pastor), he proclaims hope through the gospel message as the Holy Spirit empowers believers in their daily walk. He believes in the power of the Word of God to transform lives. He has been a Certified Christian Conciliator since 2008, with 1000+ hours of conflict coaching and mediation experience. His caseload has ranged from husband and wife cases, to family farm, to public schools, and even county government. Brian has taught peacemaking in local jails and even internationally in Uganda. His hope is that every Christian reconciles their differences in a way that glorifies God. His hope is that every Christian recognizes they are a Peacemaker before they try to do peacemaking. Finally, his hope is that every Christian reconciles by making authentic peace that blends justice, mercy, and humility.

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