
Everyday Peacemaker

Speak truth in your heart

by P. Brian Noble / February 20, 2022


O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill?

He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart. (Psalm 15:1–2, ESV)


Who can live in God’s tent? Those who walk in integrity, do what is right, and speak truth in their hearts. Wow! This is a description of a citizen of God’s kingdom. His citizens walk in integrity; they do what is right; they speak truth in their hearts.

God’s people are to be honest, credible, and consistent. We are to live and operate in strong moral and ethical principles that are grounded in and founded on the Word of God. This type of person is one of God’s people.

God’s people are to do the right things. We often try to do what is right for us or for our family, but this kind of right-doing is what is right for God’s kingdom. We must walk in righteousness. The cool thing about this is that we have been made righteous through and in Jesus Christ which makes it possible for us to walk in righteousness.

God’s people are to speak truth in our hearts. This is not your truth—this is God’s truth. What does God say about you? What he says about you from his Word is the truth that you need to hear. You are his child. You belong to him. You dwell in his tent.


Relationships are forever changed when we walk in integrity. Relationships are renewed when we do what is right. Relationships can be transformed when we speak God’s truth about another person. God sent his son, Jesus, to die for you and me and for the difficult person in your life. God raised his son from the dead for you and for the other person. Speak these truths to your heart. That person is not your enemy. If he or she is your brother or sister in Christ, you are dwelling in the same tent.



Lord, sometimes I have trouble being perfectly honest. I often fail to do the right thing, even when I see it clearly. I am so sorry; please forgive me. Help me to speak your truth into my own heart. I really want to replace my human thinking with your thinking and receive the benefit in my thoughts, my desires, and my emotions…. (Continue praying.)

Tags: Blessed

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P. Brian Noble

P. Brian Noble

P. Brian Noble is an everyday guy who loves Jesus. He has been married to his best friend, Tanya, for 20 years and they have four children; they currently reside in eastern Washington. Brian has a Master of Arts in missional leadership from Northwest University. He is the Executive Director/CEO of Peacemaker Ministries. An ordained minister for the past 20+ years (3 years as a Youth Pastor, 14 years as a Senior Pastor, and 4 years as an Executive Pastor), he proclaims hope through the gospel message as the Holy Spirit empowers believers in their daily walk. He believes in the power of the Word of God to transform lives. He has been a Certified Christian Conciliator since 2008, with 1000+ hours of conflict coaching and mediation experience. His caseload has ranged from husband and wife cases, to family farm, to public schools, and even county government. Brian has taught peacemaking in local jails and even internationally in Uganda. His hope is that every Christian reconciles their differences in a way that glorifies God. His hope is that every Christian recognizes they are a Peacemaker before they try to do peacemaking. Finally, his hope is that every Christian reconciles by making authentic peace that blends justice, mercy, and humility.

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